Your trusted partner in the field, plastocor® one-stop solution guarantees quality assured results. Applying plastocor® technology means you receive certified products and services of the highest standards.
EDF-CAS1 certified since 2011: EDF NT 85-114 Contents: Safety, Quality (NT 85-114), Reliable Practices, Manual of Personnel Requirements, Fire, Environment
NUPIC listed (U.S. Nuclear Utilities Procurement Issues Committee): NUPIC was formed in 1989 and program evaluates suppliers furnishing safety-related components and services and commercial-grade items to nuclear utilities
ASTM-D3911 and ASTM-D4082: tested according to requirements, describing the endurance of maximum radioactive exposure as well as loss of coolant to the reactor.
SIEMENS SPECIFICATION for condenser services for over 30 years.
ALLIANZ HANDBOOK OF LOSS PREVENTION: Coating Systems for Tube Plates, Water Boxes and Cooling Water Piping, S.351-355.
plastocor® MATERIALS ISO9001:2000: ISO 9001 sets out standard requirements for a quality management system.
Some Clients
« Some 100% solids epoxy coatings, such as plastocor® coatings, are designed for flexibility, erosion-corrosion resistance, impact, and wear. »